About Keri

Hi! I'm Keri! I'm an early career UX Researcher & Designer. Currently, I work part time at a small product design agency, 3Leaf Consulting. Before UX design, I worked as a geologist and as a diamond grader.

I have robust research and data integration skills from my previous job as a geologist in the oil and gas industry. Those skills have transferred well into UX research. Digging deep is essential to understand the reasons behind user needs. Synthesizing those insights and transforming them into data-driven and purposeful designs is so rewarding.

Being meticulous accompanies my analytical mindset. That was helpful when I worked as a diamond grader for the GIA. I would notice all the tiny details necessary to create accurate diamond grade reports. That same skill permeates my UX process. I can't help but think through the details.

When not designing (or watching Netflix), I spend time on my hobbies. The Great British Bake Off always inspires me to bake fancy breads or pastries. Braided pesto bread tastes just as amazing as it looks. I also enjoy painting. Acrylic is my jam, though nail polish is the most recent medium I've mastered. Whenever I go on hikes or trips, I tend to bring back a rock or gem for my collection. I've collected minerals for over 20 years. (It's not too much of a mystery how I became a geologist, initially). Most recently, I've been trying to learn how to ice skate and how to keep my rose plant alive.

Image of Keri Belcher smiling
A picture of Keri when she was in Colombia

🔍 Research

🎨 Design

Sketching     Information Architecture

Design Systems           Wireframing

Prototyping                  UI Design

Visual Design               UX Writing

🛠 Tools

Figma                  Adobe Xd

Sketch                 Invision

WordPress          Beaver Builder